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    英国欧洲威凯展台搭建(伦敦) WinMaxLondon Exhibition Stand Con
    2024 国际环境监测仪器展览会
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    [展会时间轴]  发布时间:2021/3/26 10:06:32  浏览:57070次
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  • 今天是2024年4月20日 星期六 这里是上海婴童用品展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展之路提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展之路祝您参展愉快!





    主办单位: 中国玩具和婴童用品协会

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:40000平方 展商数量:400家 观众数量:70000人
    上海国际婴童用品展览会( 简称:CKE 婴童展) 由中国玩具和婴童用品协会主办,国际化、高品质、全渠道,是全球领先的婴童用品商贸平台,是婴童用品行业趋势引领的**佳平台,真正一站式婴童用品采购优质平台。





    创立于1880年的德国高品质毛绒玩具品牌史戴芙Steiff、来自美国的婴幼儿玩具品牌Apple Park以及专做学生书包的中国中国香港品牌Tiger Family,都是首次参加CKE婴童展,借助参展结识商业合作伙伴,拓展中国内地市场。








    今年,预登记参观CKE婴童展的代理商、经销商等占比45%,覆盖全国各级城市;商超占比 12%,包括万达、百盛、家乐福、沃尔玛、华润、大润发、永辉等;母婴连锁店占比18%,包括乐友、丽家宝贝、孩子王、爱婴岛、爱婴室、Mothercare、Motherswork 、mikibobo等;网络经销商占比达21%,如上海申奕商贸、重庆葆爱商贸、内蒙古有璐商贸等。此外,为各大医院供货的渠道商,如北京凯雁飞等,也在CKE婴童展预登记观众名单中大量出现。



    服装类: 婴童服装服饰类、孕妇装、儿童鞋类婴儿和儿童服饰儿童袋玩具、婴童家用纺织品类

    婴儿车类: 婴儿车及配件、汽车安全座椅及配件类、携带婴儿用品及配件、安全用品、

    其他类: 喂养类、护理卫浴类、食品类、其他育婴童用品等

    Sponsored by: China Toy and Baby Products Association

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 40,000 square exhibitors Number: 400 Audiences: 70,000 people

    Shanghai International Baby Products Exhibition (CKE Baby Fair) by the China Toy and Baby Products Association, international, high-quality, completely channel, is the world's leading baby supplies trading platform, is the baby supplies industry trend-led the best platform, a real one-stop baby supplies procurement platform.

    CKE Baby Show brings together global boutique, to create a new benchmark for international trends, the scene gathered overseas 30 countries and regions, domestic 20 plus production areas of high-quality brands, display content covering the whole region of baby trends new products, the same period forum exchange activities closely follow the hot spots of the times, industry and cross-field big curry wisdom ideas collision, to help buyers expand new partners, exchange new ideas, explore new initiatives, mining new business opportunities.

    Show benefits:

    Well-known international brands preferred to participate in the platform

    2020CKE Baby Show, bringing together the world's finest products, many international brands to CKE Baby Show as the first choice to explore the Chinese business platform, such as: Cybex, Rollplay, Joie, Nuna, Combi, Pigeon, AVOVA, GLOBBER and so on.

    Founded in 1880, German high-quality plush toy brand Steve Steiff, U.S. infant toy brand Apple Park and Chinese Hong Kong brand Tiger Family, which specializes in student bags, are all participating in the CKE Baby Show for the first time, using the exhibition to meet business partners and expand the Chinese mainland market.

    Domestic leading enterprises are all present

    CKE Baby Show also attracted the baby supplies industry's leading domestic enterprises, they choose to focus here to release the latest products, such as the Good Kids Group will hold a new product launch at the same time of the exhibition, the first of its new products, Yingshi, Xinghui Entertainment, AMORHOME and other head enterprises will also bring their latest products to participate in the exhibition held in the same period of the "toys and baby products industry upgrade and innovative products selection", to bring buyers the best-selling new products.

    At the same time, buyers can be at the CKE Baby Show a one-time docking of major domestic production areas, including Dongguan, Pinghu, Pingxiang, Ningbo, Zhongshan, Huangyan, Yongkang and other domestic main production area characteristics of enterprises and brands will be matrix appearance, to achieve brand, channel business precision docking.

    Covers the best-selling categories of the day

    This year, affected by the epidemic, outdoor sporting goods, killing supplies became a popular best-selling category, this CKE baby show, attracted outdoor sporting goods manufacturers exhibiting, such as: Michael, Guangnamei, Yubei, etc., will be on-site display of children's bicycles, scooters, children's balance car and other outdoor sports categories of new products.

    Affected by the epidemic, since this year, killing supplies have been in short supply situation, good children, Kangbei and other manufacturers in accordance with market demand, respectively, developed suitable for mother and child use of killing supplies, such as: Kangbei steam disinfectant, wash-free hand sanitizer, good children kill small guards, ultraviolet disinfection cabinets, vegetable essential oil mosquito repellent stickers, etc., will also be concentrated in this exhibition appearance.

    Mother-and-child chain stores and online resellers pre-registration accounted for 39%

    This year, pre-registered agents, distributors, etc. to visit the CKE Baby Show accounted for 45%, covering cities at all levels of the country; Baby chain accounted for 18%, including Leyou, Lijia Baby, Baby King, Baby Island, Baby Room, Mothercare, Motherswork, mikibobo, etc.; Inner Mongolia has trade and so on. In addition, the major hospitals for the supply of channels, such as Beijing Kaiyufei, etc. , also appeared in the CKE Baby Show pre-registered audience list.

    Big Curry gathers to quickly explore new models

    On-site new opinion leaders gathered to share new trends, new features and new experiences such as mother-and-child marketing, live-streaming and product efficiency, in the era of highly decentralized information, through new forms, new forms, effective energy channel upgrade transformation, to help in a short period of time to achieve high community activity, store high store rate.

    The scope of the exhibits

    Clothing category: baby clothing category, maternity clothing, children's footwear baby and children's clothing children's bags toys, baby home textiles

    Strollers: strollers and accessories, car seats and accessories, carrying baby supplies and accessories, safety supplies,

    Other categories: feeding, nursing bathroom, food, other child-rearing supplies, etc

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海婴童用品展   | 上海婴童用品展览会
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